Hi iv created a website with a purchase system for service created from the webflow ecommerce. My first question is it possible to have a Buy Button that also adds the item to the cart while going to the purchase checkout section of the site with out having an add to cart button. in other words a solo Buy button that adds the item as well. My second question iv created a purchase form but my Buy button doesn’t show up just the add to cart button.
Heres a link to my site.
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)
Hey Michael
So looking at your site and your questions it seems like you’ve figured it out?
my first question is it possible to have a Buy Button that also adds the item to the cart while going to the purchase checkout section of the site with out having an add to cart button. in other words a solo Buy button that adds the item as well.
It looks like you have a “buy now” button, which is what I believe you want.
My second question iv created a purchase form but my Buy button doesn’t show up just the add to cart button.
It also looks like you added a checkout form, which has a place order button. ( I think that’s what you’re talking about? )
I’m just double checking I’m not missing anything in the hopes it helps you find your answer if you’re still having issues!