Styling bug - Shared site library


I’m currently building a component library for a client. The components are used in 13 different websites (needs different styling on every website). Everything is good, except for the rich-text styling.

On the component template site, i’ve styled a new rich-text-light module where all the content in that specific rich-text-light module is white. When i share the library to a specific site, everything works well except for the styling of the richt-text-light module. This stays white. I’ve tested it on different rich-text blocks with different stylings, but the styling doesn’t seem to come trough.


Specific site:

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance!

Hey Robin,

Links to the published site and readonly link will be essential here.

Is this an Agency component library, linked to those sites? If so make sure you’re updating the components as they change- in the consuming sites you need to go into the components panel and apply the updates.

Beyond that, rich text styling is pretty basic CSS in the form .rich-text-block-class p type of selector constructions. You’d just have to debug specificity and make sure nothing is interfering.

Hi! Thanks for the fast response.

I’ve jus edited the message and shared the read only links. All components from the template are synced and up to date.

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Is this the component lib or a sample site?
Let me know where to look. I’d need a published site link too to check the CSS wherever your rich text styling problem is.

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This is the read-only website for the sample site:

Where do I look?
I’m not seeing any components named rich-text-light in either the library or the demo site.

It’s likely I’m unable to see most of the library components in the components panel, due to readonly link limitations, but I should be able to see your rich-text-light component somewhere and check its CSS specificity.

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Hi! Sorry for the slow reply. I’ve just made a new component with only the rich-text-light in it so you can see/inspect the element. Hope that helps!

Got it- I was able to do a walkthrough and assuming the components are all updated in the subscribing project, this looks like a bug to me.

In the lib project I can see that you’ve individually styled the elements within the rich-text-light rich text block.

However in the subscribing site there are no matching classes for those individual items. I’d double check that you’ve pulled the updates and republished the subscribing site but otherwise… yeah, contact support on this one.

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Thanks for the help! I’ve just contacted support.