Style rich text


I have a rich text block which includes headers and sub-headers in one huge block. I want to change the style of the paragraph text. I’ve tried to follow the help webflow offers, though it doesn’t follow through.

Any suggestions?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

What have you tried? Did you give a class to the RT block? Then did you click on the paragraph and select the additional RT selector under the class field?

Have you searched for “style rich text” in

Thanks for the quick response,

Yes, I have searched “style rich text” before writing here. The RT block I have already comes with a class. I’ve tried to add another class to it, though I can’t seem to select elements within that block.

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Then you would have seen this article

Indeed, this is exactly what I’ve read. Though it did not help me complete what I wanted to.

I can’t seem to find the “Global Selector”, and yes, I have read the article of “How to operate a Global Selector.”

These two articles are exactly what I’ve read before posting this question here.

What about the video did you not understand? You could attempt replicating the exact same steps shown in the video in a test project, then let us know what step you couldn’t achieve.

Yeah, watched that.

Could not find the Global Selector. Also, the video mentions adding a class to the RT block, which I already had. Tried to add another class to it, though still could not find the Global Selector, nor could change any styles in the RT block.

After adding a class to the rich text block:

  1. Click once on any paragraph within the rich text block to select it in the style panel, then
  2. Click on the Selector text field in the style panel, select the only option you can

@Waldo A regular review of all tutorials and videos in Webflow’s help section is required. Apparently they get outdated (surprise!)

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@samliew I appreciate your help.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong, though when I try to follow what you’ve showed, that’s what I get:

Please read my above post again. Those are extremely specific instructions.

Hallelujah :raised_hands: got it.

Thanks for the patience @samliew

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