Stop contact form disappearing after successful submission

There is a post a few years back on this: Disappearing Form on submission

That suggested adding a code along the lines of:

.my-form {display:block !important;}

However, we are still quite new to coding, Webflow and creating a site in general. We know we should be adding the CSS custom code in the page setting, and based on the post, we know ‘my-form’ needs to be changed to whatever ID we use for the form.

Something is missing as the code did not work for us. We don’t know what though.

Some help would be appreciated! Thank you :slight_smile:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

The “.”(dot) in there is a class selector, not an id selector (which is “#”).

That means that you need to either use “.+class-of-the-form” or “#+id-of-the-form”

Hi! Thanks for your input. We tried: #Contact-form-fields {display:block !important;}

Didn’t work.

We then tried: .Contact-form {display:block !important;}

Also didn’t work. Still don’t know why it’s not working :confused:

Oh, there are a couple of things there that are causing it to not work properly:

Here’s what you need to do:

Replace all the code you have in the page settings with this:

    display: block !important;

This should take care of it

Works!!! :slight_smile: Thanks so much!!!

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I’m new to adding code or doing really anything with it so, could someone please tell me where to add it and how? Thank you :relaxed:

Thanks for your comments! I used your solution and it works well.

The problem is when I want to fill the form again (without page reload), the Sent button does not work anymore. Do you guess why it can happen?

The button is automatically disabled by webflow.js to prevent multiple clicks = multiple submissions of the same form. Newbies often double-click things that only need a single click.

You might be able to customize the code to remove whatever class or disabled attribute was applied. You’d need to retest the form carefully to make certain the subsequent re-submissions still work, even days later.

This might conflict with the new turnstile bot protection, so test well.