Static Page Limit Reached, Can't Use CMS - Any help appreciated!

Hi everybody,

Quick background:

  • My website has reached the static page limit after increasing it through support
  • I can’t add more pages using the Webflow CMS since there are more page elements than the CMS collection fields (current CMS collection field limit is 60 items)
  • Nevertheless, I need to add more pages without reducing the content or fields

Here are examples so you can see why the elements exceed the CMS collection field limit.
Longer pages:

But even “shorter” pages exceed the 60 CMS collection field limit easily:

So I am wondering what the possible solution could be here to create more pages. Is there any workaround here? Any creative ideas on how to solve this issue. I know several Webflow users on the Forums struggle with this issue.

Thank you for your help, really appreciate it!

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