Need a workaround to get over the 100 pages limit

Hi there

I would really appreciate any piece of advice I can get of anyone who is more knowledgeable than me on the subject and could lend a hand. I have come to a brick wall with my site and don’t want to look for alternates to Webflow and waste 6 months of work just due to web flows limit settings and negligence of customers requests.

I need more pages, of course, Webflow limits everyone to 100 pages and unfortunately, I don’t see any fix to this, as they have been promising that an update would be released for more pages since early 2015. So I understand that they are not interested in sorting this any time soon.

So I then tried to use CMS as an alternative and designed my page. Of course after designer my page, then when I tried to change a piece of text on one page it changed on all of my pages. This is, of course, no good as I don’t want 100 pages saying the same thing.

I then looked into collection fields which allows me to edit a title without 100 pages changing, but of course, web flow has limited this to 60 which is no good as this doesn’t even cover half of my page. (Eg. the slideshow has 15 alone).

I am extremely stuck and feel sick knowing I could have wasted 6 months not at work designing a site for nothing. I have tried to contact support but there replies are shocking and still have responded to my email no matter how many times I email. Its a shame as webflow is everything I need if I didn’t have limitations like Wix or Squarespace. I just need help, a workaround, a solution would be great.

Thank you!!!


Can you please share your Read Only link? Based on what your wanting the CMS solution should be more than enough - with 2,000 items available on their standard plan, and 10,000 items on the business plan - but context will make it easier to answer your questions/concerns more appropriately.


Thanks Mike

Really appreciate your response.

Read only link can be found below:

This is actually just your public website link, but I think this gives us some of the context needed to help you out.

Basically it looks like you’re trying to create different pages for each of your hotel listings, correct? If so, this is fairly straightforward and can be done by setting up some CMS collections.

Webflow has a bunch of amazing tutorials that’d I recommend you check out (if you haven’t already) that cover pretty extensively how you can set up a system for adding your dynamic page content.

If you hit a snag and need some extra help, just reply with your Read Only link (this gives us the ability to see within the Designer how you have your collections setup) and someone can assist you further!

Thank you for getting back to me.

The problem with CMS is that I’m limited with 30 fields, which is not enough.

I have shared my read only link below:

Appreciate your help.

Business plan allowed 40 Fields

Thanks Janne

But still not enough for what i need.
If i can get CMS to work for the page layout above it would be great, and i can see the use of CMS.

Also not sure how to add a slideshow on CMS

Hi @Grant1, took a Quick look at your site on My iPad. My first rreaction was that this would not be a problem. On the other hand im not sure what you realy want to do.

I have been working in the Travel Busoness for many, many years.

My question to you what is it you want to do? What lind of page are you going to have and how ahould they look like. It.s hard to get the whole picture just looking at your site

Hi Janne,

I guess my main question is can I create pages like this using CMS? Because from my understanding 30 or even 40 fields won’t be enough for it.

If I can create pages like this using CMS for all the hotels, then 100 pages will be enough for the rest of the website.

Thank you for your help

@Grant1 I would say yes no problem. You need to design your tabels a little bet more like traditional relation databases. Needs some planing but i can’t se any problem doing this with CMS

The first thing to do is to split out all images in it’s own table


@Grant1 Question: Have you tried referencing collections yet?

I think you’re putting too much thought into having everything within each collection however without knowing more about what specifically needs to be included on each page we can’t accurately say if you’re going to hit your limit.

I’d suggest organizing your needed content in a simplified document to try and associate fields that don’t need to be re-created for each separate collection. Reference and Multi-Reference fields are going to be the solution here, it’s simply a matter of figuring out exactly how to connect the pieces.

Hi J_Canan

Thanks for the reply.

I’m trying to understand how exactly I can make it work by using referencing.

Am I right thinking that I will have to create a few extra collections to get information from there for my hotels collection? Let’s say for the information I have on the top of the page (photo, hotel name, price, location etc.) I have to create one collection, then for the bit where I list all the room/villa types hotel offers I have to create a different collection from where to take information, then for general information another collection…?

I’m confused how this referencing works and trying to figure it out. Also i’m not sure how this is supposed to make this easier for me as it is going to take more time, more pages and background work just to create a single page i could have made if the 100 page limit was not restricted.

However, if my thinking is wrong and this is really easy, please, do guide me how to make it work.

I really appreciate everyone’s help here.

Thank you