Slider Images displaying wrong on mobile devices

I’ve got an issue with how the slider displays on smaller mobile devices.

Any image on a slide past number 3 doesn’t implement the ‘cover’ property in the right way and seems to be justifying to the left instead of filling the panel. The CSS properties are inherited so I’m not sure how the issue could be arising.

Included are some screen shots that show the issue.

The site link is here.


Hi @jcooney89, thanks for your post, Could you share the site read-only link:

That will help to take a look faster :slight_smile: Cheers, Dave

No worries.

Here it is:

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Hi @jcooney89, my apology for the delay with this. I do not have the answer yet, but I am going to take another look at this and respond.

P.s. If you don’t hear back from me on a post like this for such a long time, don’t delay, give me a shout out or via PM :slight_smile:
