Site search beta discussion

What I would like to do is create a custom snippet with text I could create as a cms item so I have more control over the text displayed in the results - like google SERP

Looking on my iPhone there appears to be some sort of shadow in the search text box which I can’t seem to remove? Thanks

Also the shape of the text input box changes when text is entered

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This is a big step to the ideal Webflow!!!
Congratulations to all!
But I will say again that you are very-very slow develop the desired functionality.

Nice surprise today! Looking forward to testing this out soon.

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The search input field is a standard input that you can style with the Designer. Check border radius, and States > Focused. My guess is that you had an existing style for all inputs.


Thanks, I did check it all elements to see if I had styles applied including focused state etc but couldn’t see any. I will check again and report back.

Can we get site search to exclude folders? I have created a folder called “Archive” for old pages that I no longer use anymore, so I can stop it from Google indexing. Would be good if I could exclude site search from indexing all pages within that folder to save time.


oooo good point. at this time you can exclude those old pages by going into each one’s settings and exclude it from site search.

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Gonna implement this on our site in the next few days. I can’t tell you how much this was requested by my team in the past few weeks. Glad I waited just one more week to see this has been rolled out :grin:

Awesome! Very excited to start testing this out.

Holy Shit!!! This is sick! Can’t wait to start using it all the time

I wish someone would answer your question. This is what I was waiting for when I voted for site search, not an out-dated page searcher.

@SamJ504 @Mike Yes, the underlying technology brings us closer to faceted search of CMS items - and that’s something we’re considering for future improvements to search!


Love it! Only thing I’ve run into so far is having trouble customising what is shown in the Snippet for pages and CMS items. Would be great if that was added to the Page Search Settings area.

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Most Webflow components have default styles applied, so go over each possible state and element with a fine tooth comb, making sure to turn those white values blue!


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Really digging this so far!

Seems super intuitive too, which is always a major plus :slight_smile:

Struggling to work out where the thumbnail in search result is being pulled from, but no doubt I’ll figure it out.

The thumbnail is being pulled from the search settings at the page level, underneath the Open Graph settings.
You can set it to take the Title and Image from Open Graph or set something unique.

It’s probably me going blind (old age creeping in) I will go trough it all again with my microscope :microscope: thanks

Thanks, gonna see if I can make a better snippet text to enhance the search results. Would be great to see any examples you come up with Alex - you are after all a webflow master who inspires us with you great designs

Maybe one day we can get closer to this (us users are so demanding I know, always wanting more and more!)