Quick Find Beta Discussion

We’re testing out a new feature: Quick find.

And as always, we appreciate feedback, so feel free to let us know what you think below, or fill out this survey.



This makes it so much easier for when building interactions with hidden elements. Saves a LOT of time hunting through the Nav panel for each element.

Thanks @Lindapham and team for this. :webflow_heart:


“Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.”

@ctrav are you getting this error when you try to submit your email here: http://quick-find.webflow.io/ ?

Thank you, this is great! Looking forward to testing it out – thanks for all the hard work, Webflow really is a phenomenal product, I recommend it to everyone who is familiar with code, but likes to design!


Yes I am. I have an email ending in .tech

Hi @Lindapham

Will this be expanded to work with collection template pages?

Eg: Online store with 350 CMS products (pages) - I can select the dropdown to find the page (alphabetically) but this ‘quick-find’ would speedup/improve that process

Great feature, lightning fast, love it so far :slightly_smiling_face:

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We need to be able to use this feature while in IX2, it’s sometimes harder to change and target the element for specific interaction. Sometimes, its hidden or under some other element where you are unable to click. So If we can use this feature while in IX2. It will be awesome. Because IXs are the most time consuming thing in Webflow.

Hi @Dogukan_Uzak

I was having trouble with that recently - then was reminded about the keyboard shortcuts:

F and H to show navigator and interactions - it works well when you need to target/re-target a hidden element :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @magicmark


You CAN use this feature in IX 2. :grinning: Just press command K to open the search, find the element and click it without leaving the Interactions panel.


awesome :smiley: thank you so much but it ll still be pretty awesome use find for this too.

@magicmark :slight_smile: ) thank you too!

how do we know if we are in beta ?

If you’ve registered your account via the mini-site and it’s been switched on for your account, you’ll see a small pop-up when you next open any project :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve already reported this bug to support but just to add it to the discussion - when I press ctrl + k - it begins a search in the chrome address bar (i’m using a windows laptop) and this drops a search bar down which covers the webflow search box.

here’s how it looks when i press ctrl + k

i’ve checked to see if the shortcut can be changed in chrome but it seems it can’t!

so it seems Webflow will have to give us laptop users a different shortcut!

Thanks for reporting! We have a fix planned for this soon.

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CMD + Option + Shift + Up + Spacebar + FN + K.

And a friend to help. :joy:


Hi Everyone! Please help us out by filling out our survey so we can figure out how to make the product better: Quick Find Beta Survey

Awesome fix on the windows shortcut. Works fine now.

Hi everyone! I’m Tai, one of the engineers working on Quick Find. Thanks for all of your feedback — I really appreciate it. You should be able to search and go to specific collection pages now (instead of having to use the dropdown every time).


Fantastic addition! :webflow_heart:


I happened to notice that this morning. So so good!!!

Wish I had that add to cart element like you do. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: