Site not ranking well on google


My site has been up for a number of weeks and still isn’t ranking that well on google. It’s still on the second page. I’m relatively new to webflow so I presume i’ve made some errors with the SEO settings. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it.

View the published site here
And read only link here

Thank you!

@Sheila.Mc - most likely it has nothing to do with Webflow. SEO is a mix of content, site settings, html tags, time, backlinks, and more. A few weeks is a pretty short amount of time for changes to occur in Google, it appears your site is being indexed, so the next steps are to either wait or spend time learning how you can make improvements to your content and generate backlinks to your site.

@Sheila.Mc my main background is in SEO. I would be happy to help answer some questions for you.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to ranking. Most people are aware of these basics so I won’t list all the boring details here.

After a quick crawl of your site, I do see there is some room for improvement in page titles and meta descriptions.

I use Ahrefs as my main SEO tool for checking many different metrics. According to Ahrefs database the domain only has one backlink. If there are already some “brand” profiles established for the business, it would be very helpful to make sure those profiles are optimized and links in place wherever you can add any.

I noticed this link was in the description on Apple podcast. This website is basically competing with the one you just finished.
Of course these are just a few things I noticed at a quick glance.

I love talking SEO and helping others. If you would like some direction I would be happy to give some feedback specific to your site, goals and current web assets.


SEO has two basic categories, On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. Various free and paid tools are available to check the SEO website problems and errors. You should use them and make adjustments accordingly.

@dmumma2 I’m new to SEO. I would like to use SEO tool like Ahrefs. But because I’m inexperience I decided to test Ubersuggest. Do you think Ahrefs is better? Or what SEO better for the beginner like me?

@jenn I’ve personally never used ubersuggest. Ahrefs is my top SEO tool as of right now.

If you sign up for ahrefs they have an excellent training video library that can also teach you a lot about SEO in general. The other videos they produce can be very helpful as well.

What are your goals regarding SEO? Just looking to know more or make a career change?

@dmumma2 You might know why I want to use Ubersuggest. Their price is insanely cheap compare to Ahrefs for example. They have videos but I don’t feel I get much benefits from it. On the other hand Ahrefs is sooo expensive. I want to use SEO for improving my site popularity. After using Ubersuggest, I see that it’s better in term of SEO but not much. So I want to try another that much much better than that. Can you recommend which price plan is best for me? I should definitely will use the trial plan. It’s kinda strange at first that this company even charge for trial. Look like they really positive about their service.

Ahrefs can get expensive for sure. I like the rank tracking, all of the tools to do research on other sites and the site audit tool is very useful as well.

I don’t use the content research tool much since I don’t have any national SEO projects right now. I mostly work with local businesses.

They used to have a free option but not anymore. A lot of SEO tools actually use Ahrefs API to pull data.

Hi Jenn, ahref account is only expensive when you use it alone. If you buy together with others, about 10 USD / month.

@nguyenvanchinh it’s actually a pretty good idea. The problem is I won’t have anyone buy it to use with me. If you don’t mind you might know anyone that I can share with??

For a new website, It takes time to show higher in organic results. But surely if you remain consistent in your efforts then results will follow. But in the beginning, you can follow a few steps. Like niche industry directories listings, leveraging social media, guest posting, and others.

I think that the second page in a few weeks is a pretty good result, but to move forward, I would recommend that you study your competitors’ KW and get general recommendations using the competitor research tool SEO Competitor Analysis and Research Tool with PPC Insights … Perhaps the problem is not in your site settings, but in how you promote it, perhaps errors are there. Wrong keys can significantly reduce your efficiency and waste money.

@jenn Many sites are available where you will find Ahrefs agency account for even $15 or below per month, and it works great. They also offer some other SEO tools at a cheap price. One of the big downsides to sharing these tools is revealing your work to others, but you can also gain a lot of experience as you are new.

@nguyenvanchinh Yes, you are right Ahref account are very expensive. They are available in Lite, Standard, and Advanced plans. The monthly subscriptions are about $99 per month for personal use.

I also think that ahref account is expensive if you use it alone, thank you for giving a great alternative. I have a blog and I would like to increase traffic, of course if I had the money I would hire SEO specialists and they would do everything for me. But you probably already realized that I have a limited budget, so I’ll have to learn how to do it myself, and I hope that I will succeed. So I search for all the necessary information on Google and during the search I found a blog on where there are free tools to promote websites/blogs. I think you’ll find it interesting.

Yes, It is better to get the best alternative in
terms of work and quality but for less price.

i would suggest you to go through your website and look where you are lacking in…It can be content issue or maybe the websites you are using for backlinking. There are many free/paid tools you can use to find out what’s the issue.