Sharing/copying pages, elements, symbols, components, etc across projects

I would pretty much donate a kidney if that would make this feature happen.

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THIS is going to be SO helpful, would save me HOURS! Hope a way to copy elements between sites is coming soon!

Hey folks!

Just wanted to point out this solution you can use meanwhile the copy/paste feature is being developed.
Either you clone this or take inspiration and create your own components website.
I star all my new projects on top of this site, which means that I duplicate that site each time I start a new project. Saves a lof of time!

Hey StevenP,

Appreciate your time dedicated to help everyone! Thanks man!

*Marcelo Burgos *
Diretor Criativo | Sócio Fundador
*Brasil (*13) 4042 0342 | USA: (281) 760 4042
WhatsApp: BR (13) 9 97217975

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Any updates thus far? really looking forward to that feature (sharing elements across projects), this would save SO much time

our CEO, Vlad, spoke about this in our last workshop with him. This is coming soon next year :slight_smile: