Selecting classes up the chain while working in smaller breakpoints

I have a card class “anzeige card” and combo classes “card band” to give a card a different color.

I want to change the card width from 50% in the desktop breakpoint to 100% in the tablet breakpoint.

Right now there is no way to select the “anzeige card” class while working in the tablet breakpoint. The designer only offers to go back to the desktop breakpoint. I have to remove the “card band” class, do my edits to the other break points and add the combo class again. If I want to change anything I have to remove again, edit, add again.

Here is a screenshot of the class selector:

Please add the direct class selection in the currently viewed breakpoint to the list, thanks!

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Hi @dee, sorry for the trouble, i am investigating this behavior further, i promise to update when i have more info

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