[Resolved] Typekit not rendering in designer

Is anyone else having issues today with Typekit fonts not rendering in Designer? My project is not a new one, and before today the fonts were showing fine in the Designer… but today, not. They show fine when published, but in Designer and Preview, nada.

Any thoughts?


My team is having the same issue.

Hi @bhouston and @energidesign thank you so much for sharing this, we’re working on a fix from our end on this issue with TypeKit fonts not rendering within the Designer. I’ll follow up here as soon as I have more information or if we have any questions! :bowing_man:


Can confirm, experiencing the same issue here.

Just letting you guys know I’m dealing with the same issue. :slight_smile:

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Same issue here. Feel like Designers is slower as well. Not sure if it’s related.

Doesn’t seem to be impacting all projects. Just some.

Is everyone still experiencing this issue?

I still am, 2 days and counting…

I’m facing the same problem here.

Just adding that I’m experiencing this, too. Need to launch a project soon and it’d be nice to not have to publish to see my typeface updates.

Hi @energidesign @bhouston @Johan @nathanielperales @chrismeeks @jdesign @joaopaulots @cam427r

I just checked with the team and we are close to pushing a fix for this.

Hang tight and we should have this resolved soon! Thanks for your patience!

Thanks Brando, appreciate the information.


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Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience.

We have pushed a fix for this and it should be live now. If you’re still not seeing your custom fonts load in the designer, please let me know.


Working for me right away, thanks so much for the attention to this, guys!


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For me it feels like there’s also an issue where changing the font-family, and having the font-weight not change along with it creates an odd display of type. Could it be that some of the fonts have fewer weights causing the issue? I’m not sure.

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Still having the same issues here. Anything I need to do?

This is fixed, btw :smiley: