Redirect restricted page to allow paid subscribers

Hi all,

I’ve been trying “everything”

I created a website with membership, cms all ok, but I have content that I would like to show members that pay a subscription.

I created the e-commerce subscriptions, but I don’t know how to connect to the subscription models page and the restricted content redirects to the “access denied” page, instead I would like to redirect to a subscription models page that users pay and get acces directly.

Sorry If my not clear enough in my explanation.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Why does this have to be a restricted page? Why not just redirect them to a public page that upsells your subscription. Then this upsell page links to the signup/pay page.

Thank you for your reply Chris!

The page doesn’t really have to be restricted, I just thought it would be a good idea to have free memberships without access to sell more subscription and a better mailing list.

But anyway, if I change, if I create a static page with the 3 subscriptions after they pay does that redirect automatically to a signup page?

Sorry for the dumb questions, but I’m having real troubles to understand the system…

Here is the link “a bit messy”

Thank you!

You’ll have to give that a try for yourself, I’m not really sure (off hand) what the behavior is. It also depends on how you’re collecting payment, etc…