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I’m trying to figure out whether webflow is the right software for my project.

I want to build a website where the user

  1. goes through a questionnaire (~50 data points per user)
  2. pays and
  3. based on the answers gets shown custom results (gets shown up to 100 different content nuggets a ~500 words).

Example: If you answer you smoke, you get the how-to-stop-smoking content snippet shown on another page (behind a paywall).

Here is how I would do it with webflow:

  • Get form-input via Webflow Forms
  • Use Webflow CMS for the personalised results page
  • Get a paywall via native Webflow eCommerce options
  • Add custom code to manage the conditions and stitch everything together

→ Is there a faster, less custom solution I’m missing? 3rd party/ payed solutions are fine.
→ How long do you think a total newbie would need to get the basic version running?


I simplify it as much as I can. You have to write function(s) that on form (you have to create your self as WF is useless) “Submit” take all data from 50!!! Inputs that will be used in a DB query (you have to create) to request data that will be send back to client. I have skipped paywall and other things.

IMO as total beginner without any knowledge it can take you months or most likely never. But you can try, maybe I’m wrong. :man_shrugging: