Problem with page linking

I have a problem publishing the page. After creating a blog page and linking it to the menu, clicking it will redirect to 404 page. I do not know if it is an error that results from the Webflow page, or if I have linked something wrong.

Here is my site Read-Only: (Webflow - Meetsales Beta)

Hi Bartosz
The link to the blog page from the menu works for me
The site is very nice btw!

Thanks for your answer @Vincent, but after publishing its redirect to 404 page. You can see it on published page:

either republish, edit the link or move the page, the URL doesn’t reflect where the page is in your project

I’ve edit the link, unpublished and published again and move the Blog page, nothing works.

I find solution in this thread: New page title and slug automatically redirected to 404 with old slug