Blog Post Page 404

Hello all,

I recently added a blog to my website.

The URL for blog is: Domain Blog | Domain, Website, and Ecommerce Tips for Small Businesses

The URL for blog posts are being displayed in the format:

Now the problem is that the following link is returning a 404:

Please guide on how to fix this.


Please include your site’s Read-Only Share Link with your question.
A read-only link allows the community to view your project without making any edits to it and help diagnose your issue or provide feedback.

If your project has custom code or layout issues on the published site, please share that URL/URI as well.

The problem with that is since the problem URL is 404, I can’t generate the share link for the same, right?

Let me try explaining this another way:

I created a CMS collection and named it “Blog Posts”. Now the slug/collection URL automatically becomes:

The individual blog posts created on this CMS loads fine, but the URL above returns a 404.

Please help

If you won’t share your project’s read-only Webflow share then there is nothing for us to look at and no way to help you. Best of luck.

Here is the read-only link:

This is the main blog page.

Clicking on any of the posts would take users to the post page URL.

Everything is working as it should. The slug for the collection is not an index page, rather a path that all collection items will include (parent). You take a page, like /blog and display content using a collection list as you have done.

Since the /slug for the collection won’t be naturally linked by any of your content it won’t be an issue unless someone manually manipulates the URI in the browser.

This is different than traditional web sites where a folder has an index. Maybe that is leading towards your confusion.

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Ok, thanks for clearing this up