I changed the fonts of my website and everything worked perfectly. I changed the name of the project and since then, the custom fonts aren’t loading. I don’t think that it’s because of that, but why does this happen immediately?
Now, when I upload the whole package to my ftp server, the custom fonts disappear and arial is the normal font.
Please give me a tip, we want to go live in 1 day!
What machine and browser / browser version are you seeing this issue on? Can you please send me screenshots of the behavior you’re describing? You can use this tool: https://www.whatismybrowser.com
I found out, that the problem with the fonts only happen, if you type “bipolar.berlin” instead of www.bipolar.berlin ! I hope that can help to fix that issue?!
I would check that your fonts are loading correctly from the external server and that all font files were uploaded from the fonts folder that gets created at export: Code export | Webflow University
Also,you can tell if there is any issue with the font, or after export, by loading the exported index.html file that is generated, in Safari from the hard drive. The fonts should show correctly.
Webflow does not provide support for external server hosting, however the exports should be working fine on export. If there is any issue with the unmodified, exported site, contact to us on the support desk: Webflow Customer Support | Webflow University
I found out, that the problem only appears, when you miss the “www.” before the url.
On www.bipolar.berlin everything works fine ! So what’s the problem ???