Hello Webflow Community,
I have the Skeleton of a page for a club that in the end should have filter functionality. If I click on the year list it should filter the month list and the event list by the clicked year, and when I click on the month list it should additionally filter the event list by month. So that in the end I get only the events that ocured in the selected year and month. I used Finsweet Filter for that, but I am stuck with several things.
- Lets assume the year I clicked on is 2023 - If i don’t assign the month list a “to be filtered list” (fs-cmsfilter-element attribute) then it obviously shows all month even if there was no event in one of them.
- If I assign it though it also filters the month list by the clicked on month, what means that if I click on March all other month will disappear. I don’t want that either.
- It should only be possible to select one year and one list, so one item of each list once. But if I use radio Buttons it is only possible to select one in general. And when I use a radio Button for year and Checkboxes for month I can select more month what I don’t want as well.
- Also the problem with the second approach is, if one year and one month is selected, and from that stage I choose another year, the month stays selected what results in weird behavior. It means somehow I need the month list to automatically uncheck everything if i click on a year.
I hope this was not too confusing:)
I have tried several approaches and also tried to write custom code with the help of ChatGPT but I haven’t found a way that is fluently working. I think this is not a too complex filter functionality and would not have thought that I can’t figure it out but apparently I was wrong😅
@memetican maybe you can help?
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