Popup modal in Collection List glitch

I am trying to add a background overlay to a popup I am creating in a collection list. It works fine in another site I did. But this time, I am using Finsweet and now it glitches.

When I make the layer fixed to cover the whole screen, it totally glitches Webflow itself. The controls disappear.

This is on the podcast page.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]

Copy your whole construction to another page and disable the Finsweet libs. Verify your CMS-based popups are fully working first before you add that layer.

If they’re working fine and Finsweet load is “breaking” them, than it’s likely you’re using interactions-based modals and the attachment points aren’t getting setup.

There’s an option in FS load to re-initialize interactions when new items are added to the page, you can try that. Otherwise you’ll need a different modals approach like GSAP or custom JS to sidestep your conflicts.