Finsweet cookie Popup problem

I need your help with the finsweet cookie popup.
I did everything as shown in their videos. The pop-up works in preview but once I use it outside of preview mode it disappears directly after the site loads.
Please excuse me if this is a trivial mistake, I am just learning webflow :slight_smile:

Here is my read-only link:

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Hello @Fabian_Vermum
Have you already clicked on accept or deny in your browser? The script sets a cookie to remember your decision so you won’t see it if you have already clicked it. If you delete your cookies, it should show up again. What’s the address of the actual published site?

Hello @Smith-Cordell,
thank you for taking the time to answer.
I tried deleting the cookies (both on chrome and firefox) but it does not work… the pop up still flashes up and disappears.
The actual published site is

I have added the code that is provided by finsweet… but I don’t think this affects the visual display or does it?

type or paste code here

<!-- Finsweet Cookie Consent -->
<script async src="" fs-cc-mode="opt-in"></script>

<!-- Global site tag /gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async type="fs-cc" fs-cc-categories="analytics" src=""></script>
<script type="fs-cc" fs-cc-categories="analytics">
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer ||[];
function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());

gtag('config', Measurement_ID',{'anonymize_ip' : true });

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
<script type="fs-cc" fs-cc-categories="marketing, analytics">
{if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod?
s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}( window. document, 'script',
fbq('init', '{your-pixel-id-goes-here}');
fbq('track', 'PageView');


Just went to the page and it seems to be working for me :man_shrugging: except for the preferences button after you’ve already selected cookies

Hey @Smith-Cordell thanks for checking again.
Somehow it doesnt work for me in firefox still and i don’t know why… but the rest works for me as well.
any ideas why?

I just checked FF (99.0.1) and Chrome (100.0.4896.88) on Mac. It appears for less than a second and then disappears.


I have the same problem. Any solution on that ?

Same problem here. Would be cool to have a solution here.

Has anyone found a solution? I’m having trouble with this as well.


I had something similar with the flashing up of the cookie banner and preferences box.

In their cloneables there is a wrapping div with the class:
‘Set all components to display:none and use this Div to create a Symbol’

So I did just that
Then set ‘fs-cc-banner_component’ and the ‘fs-cc-prefs_component’ to display none

That worked for me