Plans and hosting

I am really confused with the hosting and plans. Seems there is “hosting” and “plans”. Currently I am paying $20 a month for hosting but I already have some hosting I pay for somewhere else. Can I use it and still use the free plan?

I want to use the database features though, so can I just upgrade to a paying plan and then use my own hosting or do I have to upgrade my plan and have hosting.

The whole plan/hosting thing is very confusing. Please can someone clear this up for me.

If you are going to use the CMS the hosting must be done at Webflow.

You can have a free plan and host with Webflow

ok so using cms = webfow hosting. And then upgrading the account plan = more projects and features

but I cant transfer my project to my client using free plan right? or is there any other way? Can I just upgrade for one month to transfer it and then downgrade?

Correct. I use Pro plan. Hosting for my own website. And additional hosting paid by my customers for the sites i have developed for them

If you contact the Webflow support and want to transfer sites that will buy hosting they will for sure help you

All account plans include:

Unlimited hosted projects

What does that mean exactly?

I think it’s a good explanation of all plans. Is there somthing special you want to ask?