Is there a way to pull in the item SKU numbers into the transactional emails send from Webflow Ecommerce?
My client is needing to send emails to an ERP system for order processing.
For this to work, we need to see the SKU on the email generated from the Webflow.
Any solutions?
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Here is what Webflow support is telling me. I haven’t taken the time to check anything out yet:
As an alternative, you could use a third-party email service via Zapier and our API. This would allow you to pull in specific data for an Ecommerce order including SKU and format within an email for the customer.
Has this been addressed yet? I just spent a bunch of time entering SKU numbers for all of our parts, only to find that they don’t show up on the emails that are being sent to those entering them into our system. Is setting up a Zapier workflow really the best way to add SKU numbers to an order confirmation? I find it incredibly hard to believe that Webflow would overlook such a basic function.
I encountered the same limitation. I use a webhook to send the full order details to the order processing system while the standard transactional email from Webflow is sent to the customer.
I’ve been trying to cobble together a string of pieces using webflow, zapier, integromat, gmail, and convert kit, all to do something that as basic as including a SKU in an email. For all the great features of Webflow, it shows how juvenile the platform is when it neglects basic functions of an ecommerce platform.
No, I have not…any thoughts? What service/platform did you use to create the webhook? The closest that I came was using a Zap to generate an email with the required information, but because the webflow API delivers the PurchasedItems information as a single array and zapier doesn’t provide a means to pull individual elements from the array, I’m stuck with an unwieldy string of variables in the order confirmation.
I’m not a coder and have reach the limits of my ability to figure this out. The solution until Webflow gets its act together will be to revise the product descriptions to include the SKU, which I see as a poor solution to a simple problem.
For the most part, I’ve been able to do what I want to do in Webflow, but this is not the first time their ecommerce capabilities, particularly with their emails and notifications, have let me down.
Edit: I’m starting to make some progress with Integromat reading the order info in and writing certain fields to a google sheet. If I can write the data I need to specific cells, I can pull in the info to Zap and generate an email via gmail (which doesn’t work with Integromat). Now I have to figure out how to deal with multiple items…I like the challenge, just wish it were less convoluted.
It is probably easier to write 1 function to process your request and send the relevant data. There are various options for services/platform probably even with Zapier (which allows you to run code).
What exactly do you need apart from reading the SKU?
Thanks for the help. I want to reproduce the default Webflow order email but include SKUs, which would require customer name, address, order number, items ordered (with variant info), quantities for each, image URL for each (nice to have for the people filling the order), cost for each, totals, and shipping info. All of this is accessible via the webflow editor, but not everybody filling the orders is interfacing with webflow, so we wants the email to contain all the info to fill the order.
I’m working on an Integromat webhook that will read in the order info and write it to a google sheet. Because integromat can’t send an email through gmail, I would then use zapier to read the info in from the sheet and generate an html email (through gmail) with all the fomatting needed to replicate the standard webflow email.
This is a pretty fragile workflow. If someone so much as changes the gmail password it will fall apart, so hoping better email formatting from Webflow is in the works. For now, I’m going down this road, unless you have a better suggestion (keeping in mind that anything that requires more than simple coding or html is outside of my wheelhouse!)
Are you using gmail because you need html format emails or some other reason? Seems like putting in extra steps because of Integromat/Gmail might add to the fragility. Have you tried another automation service provider e.g.
I would still use a dedicated function to read the order info/generate the email instead of using Zapier, Integromat etc if your scenario exceeds their free tier limits.
Primarily to format it into something presentable and send it out to the team. I just took a look at and it looks like they have an easier way to pull variables from the webflow order fields. Thanks for the suggestion.
Edit: Ugh. does not, it appears, provide a way to access all of the variables passed from Webflow, one of them being the product variant SKU. I can see that it receives the variable, but it has a defined list of fields that you can insert into an email, and SKU is not one of them.