New feature: Collection Item sort and search

Hello everyone!

Like many of you, we have CMS Collections with a ton of items, and finding the item we’re looking for can be pretty frustrating.

So, today, we’re releasing two new features that make finding Collection Items in the Designer and CMS much easier: customizable columns and search!

First, you can click the pin on the right to choose which columns to display:

You can display all kinds of fields as columns, including Plain Text, Number, Date/Time, Switch, Color, Option, and Reference.

You can also sort each column:

And, maybe best of all, you can search Items by name!

And, of course, it works in the CMS:

Try it out and let us know what you think!



Thanks guys, all very handy!

Awesome! Thanks guys

2 posts were split to a new topic: Images uploaded to Collection Items disappearing

Awesome! We have been banging our heads against the table without being able to search and items pushing 1000+ . Thanks so much for rolling this out.

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Yes, great feature, we needed very much! Thanks Webflow!


Does this mean that the possibility for an official search box widget for collections is on the horizon?

Please respond.


Really great edition! thanks Webflow crew!

Too damn awesome. This was the most sought after request by my company. Well done guys.

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