New Feature: Custom collection field ordering

Hey all, Adrian @ Webflow here. We just added support for custom field orderings in the Webflow Designer data manager!

Gone are the days of removing and re-adding fields to get the order right :). Now you can drag-and-drop them where they belong when creating the collection, or anytime later if you change your mind. This functionality is available immediately in the Collection Settings pane in the Webflow designer.

The order you specify persists across the designer data manager and CMS data editor that your clients see. You can order the fields in whichever way makes sense for your data model and have that automatically reflected across the whole Webflow tool suite.

Field order also conveniently persists across the dynamic binding dropdowns for a faster workflow:

Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or bug reports. Happy designing!


This is wonderful! I was about to email support asking for this feature. Yay thank you!


Hell yeah!! Nice work guys! I was just working on this 2 nights ago and had to delete most of the collection to get the order right.

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Thank Youuuuuuuuu!!! Awesome!

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Yes, badly needed. NICE!

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Many thanks for this tiny, but VERY WELCOME update!

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hallelujah! I knew you guys were gonna do that! :smiley:

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This makes my heart so happy. You ALL ROCK!!!

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Great Job you did!!
Please CMS Contens with Pagenation~~

Thank you @webflow This is a huge time saver :smile:

Ah…Thanks. No plans at the moment or forever?
What could be the alternative way for pagenation in order to show continually generated contents everyday?

can we get a “EMAIL” field type?

I’m getting tired of typing in “mailto:” for all my data.

call me lazy! but I have 100+ entries to add into the CMS.

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It’s the little details that really put a smile on my face = )

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This is great, however I need to know how to choose which Collection Item displays at the top of my page on the Website. Please advise.

Sounds like you’re looking for the sorting option for dynamic lists. More here: CMS & dynamic content - Webflow University Courses

How about being able to sort collections in the Dynamic Data Manager?

I’m curious about that feature as well.


Now all we need is the same application for the Collections:


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