I need help. Network Solutions has a different interface than we are used to with GoDaddy. Attached are my current settings (which aren’t working) what am I doing wrong?
Hi there,
Here’s some info that can help:
Specifically - You only need two ‘A’ records: (Theses settings if you use SSL)
@ -
@ -
(So delete * (All Others) and www.carboncatering.com)
www.carboncatering.com points to (alias) proxy-ssl.webflow.com
Info from Webflow University:
Check and fix the A records
If the error is showing for your root domain, check that you have only 2 A records for the root domain (host=@), and that they are pointing to the Webflow’s servers.
- If SSL is ON in your Webflow settings, the Webflow A record values should be: &
- If SSL is OFF in your Webflow settings, the Webflow A record values should be: &
If you’ve set the root domain as the default domain on SSL hosting, make sure:
- there are no A records on the root domain,
- the ANAME or CNAME record on the root domain (host=@) is proxy-ssl.webflow.com.
Let’s us know if that works for you.
I’m having an issue with getting the DNS to work with Network Solutions. I followed the instructions and it has been 3 days, and the site still has an SSL error. I have included a screen shot of my Network Solutions account. Have I missed something? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Your CNAME record should only be www not the whole subdomain + domain. Try changing that.
Hey Jeff,
Here is a loom video showing all my settings.
Thanks in advance for the help!
@ricknielsen - proxy.ssl.webflow.com. is a wrong record. Should be proxy-ssl.webflow.com
YOU ARE THE MAN! I’m a dumb-ass! I looked at that 1,000 times and didn’t see it!
I owe you a beer my friend!!
Thank you sooooooo much!
You are welcome! Glad your issue is resolved and I could help. Typo’s are easy to pass by. Good luck with your project.
Since you shared no domain and no detailed description on what you have done or not, don’t expect help anytime soon.
Hi, I’ve run into a similar problem. I made a new website for a client who already had a hosting and domain name. With that hosting came a mail hosting. Now when I try to link the custom domain to the webflow website I made. The entire mailing freezes. No mails come in and no mails can go out. With my limited knowledge of DNS and Hosting I hope someone here can help.
Please tell me If I haven’t provided enough information.