Need help with ' Uncaught SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal '

I get the error on my client site [exporting the code from webflow].
It works fine in webflow´s server and works fine deploying to my own server,
but the javascript seems broken when the client deploys the code in their server.

“SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal (Firefox)”
“SyntaxError: Unexpected number (Chrome)”

I don’t know how to fix these. Help?

Here is my site Read-Only: [ Webflow - Webflow - Estratégia Concursos | Semana do CNU ]
Here is the site on webflow’s server: [ ]
Here is the site on client’s server: [ Estratégia Concursos | Semana do CNU ]

You said that it deploys fine to your own server, and I’m assuming that’s an external one as well.
It sounds like the client is doing something to modify the script, could be a bad minification process or something else at deployment.

I’d check their process, and their server settings to see what’s modifying webflow.js.

yeah, its an external one as well

Thanks, but there is no way for me to check their server settings…
but I’m trying to understand the incompatibility and got no clue

You can see the difference if you compare the webflow.js on your working export with the one on the client’s server.

Here’s your working one-

And here’s the client’s non-working one-

My best guess is that their server is auto-minifying it, but that the minification is breaking it for some reason.

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