Invalid or unexpected token (at webflow.js:19:14095) on domain with cloudflare

I export my website to my server.
Domain is connected with Cloudflare.

In console, almost always I can see: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (at webflow.js:19:14095)

When this error occurs, then some elements doesn’t work, e.q. cookie manager.

When I hosted this same website on domain without cloudflare then all is fine.

What I can do to fix this?

How to fix: How to fix Invalid or unexpected token (at webflow.js:19:14095) on domain with cloudflare

Yep, you got it. Was just about to answer.
Cloudflare’s CSS and HTML minification seems to work well with Webflow, but the JS minify will break webflow.js if you’re using certain Webflow features.

This happened even with an empty webflow project.
I exported a test project with just an empty body.

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