Need Help: How to insert a virtual tour to a Webflow site

Hi guys, a client of mine who I designed a real estate website for, now needs to insert a virtual tour video for each listed property e.g. Opal, Jade, etc.

Link to current site page:

To insert the virtual tour video the client sent instructions as follows: “Simply upload the folder onto the website file manager. Then provide the link to the index.htm file in the web tour folder”

Not sure how I can upload the folder into Webflow. Is that even possible? Since i can’t do that can someone please recommend a solution to get this thing to work. Also it It appears the virtual tour file/folder must first be hosted. If it is, I can then pull up the link, put in an html embed, create an iframe tag and point the src to the video link. Problem with this option too is I don’t have anywhere to host it. I tried uploading the folder into dropbox, got a share link and pointed the src to it but won’t work. Someone kindly assist with solutions

Webflow does not provide storage asset folders. You need to use a external server to host the resources. Amazon S3 would work for example. So would any web host you can upload and serve resources from.

Thanks @webdev for the response. I tried Google’s cloud cdn but wouldn’t work. Will try Amazon S3…hope that works for me.

You could also look to DigitalOcean Spaces | S3-Compatible Cloud Object Storage, which may be easier for you to implement.

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