Multiple domains connected to the same Webflow project

Hello everyone! I want to connect multiple domains to the same Webflow project. I am using the CMS plan for hosting. Do I have to have more than one hosting plan to do this? I just want 3 to 5 domains connected to the same project and paying for only a hosting plan. Is that possible?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Maiane! I don’t have another domain registered to test this myself, but it does seem like I have the ability to add more custom domains to my published project without much issue. However, if adding more domains in your project settings doesn’t work the way you want, or requires additional investment, I’d probably recommend just setting up a redirect through your domain provider to your main domain.

Thank you, Chris! You really helped! I have another doubt… Idk if you can help, but here it is:

The company I work with subscribed to the “CMS site plan” (hosting plan) and we didn’t get a account plan. I thought I could edit and design in the “design mode” with this plan. But I can’t reach the design mode. How do I do it? Do I have to subscribe to another plan?

Maiane, are you logging in directly to the account that owns the project?

If you click the menu in the lower-left, do you have the option to choose Designer?

I don’t have this option! I am invited as a collaborator by someone else (someone who owns the project).

This is how this bottom menu appears to me

That’s the Editor and won’t give you access to the designer.

They either have to give you the credentials of the account to log in or you both have to have payed accounts (workspaces are a bit unclear to me

Okay, thanks for clarifying. A collaborator only has access to the Editor, not the designer. The account that’s hosting the project will need a paid Workspace plan with multiple seats to enable design control by multiple people. Alternatively, you could just coordinate only one person working in the designer at a time and all log into the same account, but this is clearly more cumbersome if there are more than one set of hands in the same project.

Hi @maiane!

You can absolutely connect multiple domains to the same Webflow project without needing additional hosting plans. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. :gear: Single Hosting Plan: Your CMS plan allows you to connect multiple domains to the same project without extra cost.

  2. :globe_with_meridians: Default Domain: Webflow will designate one domain as the ‘default’. This is where your site will primarily live.

  3. :earth_americas: Additional Domains: Other domains you connect will automatically redirect to your default domain. So if someone types in any of your connected domains, they’ll end up on your main site.

To set this up:

  1. Go to your Project Settings in Webflow

  2. Navigate to the Publishing tab

  3. Scroll down to Custom Domains

  4. Add your additional domains

If for some reason you can’t connect the domains directly in Webflow, here’s a workaround:

:earth_americas::arrow_right: Set up 301 redirects from your additional domains to your main domain. Most domain registrars offer this for free, and it’ll have the same end result as connecting them in Webflow.

Let me know if you have any other questions! :blush: