Currently multiple version of Google Analytics are running on my website despite my having only added it on one page.
Also, having issues with GTM - telling me that script can’t be placed in a div. I placed the GTM snipped in an embed widget and placed at the first item on each page. GTM is published too.
It looks like your site is not only calling the ‘Universal’ analytics, but also the ‘Classic’ analytics. While we can’t see your Site Settings, you may have added the Analytics HTML code on the “Custom Code” tab while also filling out the information on the “Analytics” tab. The Analytics tab adds the ‘Classic’ analytics code, so if you do have information on that tab filled out, remove it.
Also, having issues with GTM - telling me that script can’t be placed in a div. I placed the GTM snipped in an embed widget and placed at the first item on each page.
Webflow is still wrapping a DIV around the embed and there doesn’t seem to be any way around it. This thread says it should be safe to ignore it. This user reported some interference by having it in a DIV. This post states you can add it in the ‘Head Code’ (without the noscript tag) or in the ‘Footer Code’, though there can be downsides for each (generally just for older IE versions).