Yesterday I populated the multi-image fields, linked them to the collection pages and published the site. All fine. But adding alt text to those images today is causing errors. On the first item, there are 6 images in that field and when I click “save” I keep getting an error that says “There are 6 errors on this page. Check error messages to fix them.” But there are no error messages anywhere else. I deleted the alt text and clicked save again and I’m still getting the error message. I went to a different item and only added alt text to one image; when trying to save that one I get a message that there’s 1 error on the page.
I’m not sure if this is related at all, but yesterday when I uploaded images to the multi-image field I would repeatedly get an error about “can’t create responsive images.” I’d click the “fix now” button and the error would disappear without letting me do anything about it. I was able to save and publish the collection just fine, though.
(2) If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of your Console and send it to me: How to get console
(3) Could you please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page
Thanks in advance for helping us with these troubleshooting steps. Because Webflow is a browser-based web application, there are many local environment variables that can cause issues like this, and we want to rule those out first. We really appreciate you taking these additional steps, as it helps our engineers with their investigation.
I’ll look into the Cloud App, but I’ve watched your little Console video both times and I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re asking for. Where is that? What is a Console? etc.
Well, this is going to make me sound completely technically inept (I’m not, I promise!) but I can’t get CloudApp to work. It keeps crashing when I try to record using the Mac app, and the Chrome extension won’t upload the recording so I can’t share it. I’ve spent an hour trying to get it to work and I don’t have any more time to spend on it.
I’m not sure what a video would show you, though. I enter alt text, I click save, I get an error.
The reason for the video is to help with diagnosing your issue. Since Ben is unable to view it on his end doing the same steps as you, there is a missing link somewhere.
Also you can find console data in your developer tools on Chrome.
here is an example:
keyboard shortcut is CMD + ALT + I (that is an “i”)
@rileyrichter, any updates? My client is getting impatient and I’d like to at least be able to give them an estimate on when this may be solved. I’m sorry the CloudApp hasn’t worked, but please let me know if there’s something else I can do to move this along.
I wanted to bump this topic as I’m also seeing the exact behavior described with Multi-Image Fields that are Required.
The temporary fix of disabling the Required for the Multi-Image Field has allowed me to enter Alt Text, however the issue exists when the field is Required again.