Modal Popup - Can't find it to make edits

Just want to make a few text edits to template, but cant find it on design

Its the contact overlay symbol…

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Go on Navigator tab
Double click the symbol to enter edit mode
Keep the upper element of the symbol selected
In style tab, pass it to Display block
Increase Opacity to 100%

Make edits

Reverse the process.

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Thanks! I was close, but left out the opacity part. This forum is great for us beginners.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

The Display + opacity combo is legion when it comes to web interactions. You want to make an element completely vanish from the page in order not to catch clicks and stuff — hence the Display:none — but you also want to smoothly ramp up its visibility when showing up — hence the opacity.

So when you fiddle with such IX, don’t forget to reverse all of the steps in order to let the element in the state the IX will take it next time. So the closing will be opacity zero, then display:none. It’s easily overlooked by beginners but it’s just a logic that you get the first time you learn about it.

1 more thing if your free, now after open, 1 click into the form trying to fill it out, and it fades back to 0%

No Worries! I think I got it back to normal!

I have a similar problem. Have a form pop-up that only appears on click - I need to make text edits to it but I can’t reveal it in Designer mode. I can access other fields of the form and change those, but not the text block that shows the name of the form and a brief intro.

How can I make the form pop-up visible so I can edit that text? The display & opacity is already set as above.