How to find and edit an element that is hidden or invisible?

Hi Guys,

Need help on editing the pop up shown in attachment.

Can you please advise me on how to do this?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Without a public sharing link it’s a bit hard to help you, but here is the general procedure for this:

The popup likely shows up with an interaction. So the popup must be hidden first. Most likely, the popup has a display:none property AND a opacity:0 property.

Find the popup element using the Navigator tab, select it, go to the style tab, pass it display:block and opacity:100%, make your changes and apply the hiding properties again.


Please help… no ide how to do that :frowning:

Hey Vincent, could you please give me an idea about this? :frowning:

Go to the Navigato tab (the third tab on the right part of UI)

Unfold a few folders to find the Popup element, then select it

Go back to the style tab and on the top part, there is a Display parameter, that must be on “hidden” : pass it on the first button : “Box”

Popup should hten be visible, do your edits, then pass it again on “hidden”

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Hi Vincent, thank you so much for this. I cant seem to find anything titled ‘pop up’ and have been looking for ages :frowning: - any chance of pointing out to me where it is?

Yes here : Google Chrome – Tapes

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