Migration from Wordpress to Webflow, then from Webflow to Webflo

Hi everyone,

I’m going to migrate a website from Wordpress to Webflow.

But at the same time, I’m going to improve the website structure (for better SEO).

So basically, some URL from Wordpress to Webflow will change like that :

So I think this modification can be easily done by using the 301 redirections directly in Webflow, with a rule like :
post_doctor = doctor

So far so good I think (stop me if I’m wrong).

But, in one month the current domain name will change.

So the new webflow structure made with Webflow, will have to be redirect to a new domain name, still in Webflow.

My question is, how do you manage redirections from one domain to an other in Webflow?

Basically, how I redirect (with 301) this page:

Thanks a lot for your precious help!

Have a nice day,

Hey there! Basically, it’d happen in 2 parts:

  1. you’d do a universal 301 redirect from your old url to your new url

  2. then you’ll handle the page by page redirections from within Webflow

Hope this helps!

Could you please detail how do you deal with 2. ?

Again, it’s from an old domain in webflow to a new domain in webflow.

Do I need to create a new project?
Do I need to keep the same project, but just change the domain name?

In all case, where do I manage the page by page redirection that you’re talking about?

Using redirects in the settings panel under hosting.

/doctor → http(s)://mynewsite.com/doctor

You can redirect to any valid FQDN and URL. Does not matter if it is on webflow or not.

Thanks for your comment.

So basically I would need to have 2 projects, and need to pay for both?

Because I guess that this action needs to be done on the old project :
/doctor → http(s)://mynewsite.com/doctor

No, you will not need two projects within Webflow.

You add the 301 universal redirect in the project settings of your dashboard.

The design isn’t relevant in your situation. You will do this in the same place that you set up the redirects for your move from Wordpress to Webflow. I hope this helps.