301 redirect for wordpress blog posts


I have a wordpress blog that I would need to transfer over to my Webflow website. The issue is that I need to do a 301 Redirect : (1) The domain has not changed, its staying the same, (2) The Url will change (the part after the main domain name).

In other words, the wordpress blog post(s) URL is:

and the new Webflow blog post(s) URL would be:

What is the best way to set up the 301 redirects to accomplish this? Should I create a 301 redirect for each post I am transferring (there are 500 posts)? Or is there a way to write a global 301 redirect that will make transferring a lot easier?

I would be most grateful if you you could please provide me with the old path url I would need to enter, and the new path url I would need to enter. I want to be sure to get these URL correct.

I have tried the following but it does not work
(/index.php β†’ /blog)
(index.php/2018 β†’ /blog)

Here is an actual URL of a blog post on the old website:

Many thanks!

Hello @gracerev217

Because you have such specific names I think that your best option is adding the link one by one.

Anyway, maybe this Webflow University topic can help:

@aaronocampo - 301 will not work her.

No way to create 301 from other domains (Only relative urls start with β€œ/”)

301 is for old URL-path, starting with a slash ==> new URL-path, starting with a slash (URL paths not base/absolute domain!) - in other words no way by webflow to create 301 from:
https://webflow.com/blog to https://nike.com/blog (It also makes sense).

In your case for 500 posts you should Be careful (First try to create redirect only for one month or group of posts) - otherwise you will lose rank/SEO (Do not shutdown the old WP site until you solve this idea). I am not sure this is not issue of Wordpress.

This trick/idea is wrong (Beacuse the base URL is diffrence).

Related :

Thank you for all your input, I don’t need to redirect each article link to the specific new article URL location, I am just looking to redirect to the root of my new blog CMS page.

This below setup worked

/index.php/2018/.* β†’ /blog
/index.php/2017/.* β†’ /blog
/index.php/2016/.* β†’ /blog
/index.php/2015/.* β†’ /blog
/index.php/2014/.* β†’ /blog

Work fine but without any power for SEO (keep in mind) - over time all of your old articles Will be removed or dropped in google rankings (In your case even block by robots.txt those pages and thats it).

you could also try /index.php/.* => /blog

I decided to move forward with this configuration

/index.php/2018/12/13/.* β†’ Cryptojacking, the new Data Center "Attack Du Jour" | Roland Schorr & Tower

I made an entry for each of the 50 or so blogs we have published, luckily it’s not a lot and we only ever published one article each day.

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Does this solution work? I just migrated my blog with 600 articles and I’m in doubt.

β†’ Old URL: https://guiaempreendedor.com/
β†’ New URL: https://guiaempreendedor.com/guia

Does anyone have the solution that works?
