I’ve just got the problem that a customer for whom I’m building a new Webflow website wants to migrate his existing Wordpress blog with approx. 500 posts into this new site.
From what I’ve read so far, the best way is probably to use a CSV, but I’m really stuck on some points (how can I move the thumbnail images to this CSV? What about reference fields? etc.) Does anyone here have any experience? This is really a huge challenge I’m facing right now, and I’m very afraid that we won’t be able to achieve this properly - I would be extremely happy to receive help and I’m also very willing to pay for help, as this is a really important issue for me
Images need to be hosted somewhere public, and then you use the URL in the CSV. Webflow will import that image and then store them in S3.
It may miss some, if you have any where the filenames are problematic for Webflow ( e.g. > 100 chars ) or the file sizes are too large ( > 4 MB ), or are unsupported formats. So plan an audit of some form, and some manual fixups.
If your current images are not optimized yet ( WEBP’s ) you’ll want to consider doing that now rather than later, which complicates the import prep but is more difficult to solve later.
Webflow will convert your HTML to its own rich-text format. Most things will migrate fine, but some things may be problematic - tables, any dynamic charts, code excerpts.
Create the reference tables first and load them. Then, the ref fields should simply be specified as the slug of the item you are referencing.
Tools like powerimporter pro can help a lot with overcoming some of the glitches in the load process- so head in that direction if you hit hard barriers.
Drop me a message if you need some assistance with the import or CMS design. You can click my name to DM me.
thank you so much for your answer, it definitely helped a lot and steered me in the right direction! I’ve been able to pull the import off successfully this time (because the client’s requirements were simpler than anticipated), but if for future imports I’ll be needing help, I’d be more than happy to shoot you a text and we could talk about it in some form of paid consultation
Do you complete the migration task? I have website but E-commerce type and there is a lot of plugin in WordPress which make thing easy? Is Webflow help this?
Hello @brynnwilder,
The PowerImporter app will migrate a WordPress blog to Webflow CMS in minutes (including reference fields, images, tags, categories, authors), but I am not aware of a solution for migrating to Webflow ECommerce, whether as a WordPress plugin or Webflow app. If you find one, we would love to hear about it!
@Sylvie_PI - I typically leverage https://www.wpallimport.com/ to handle importing / exporting from WordPress. Works with Woo. I personally can’t imaging downgrading to Webflow for ecommerce, so I have never tried importing into it.
I do have extensive experience in large data transformations. So if you need a hand with that reach out.
@Sylvie_PI - I don’t have the free time to compile a list for you but you could search for “foxy” in these forums and you will come across a whole bunch of them that can only be resolved with third-party tools like Foxy.io.
Everybody has different requirements. Make sure you take the time to define yours and then check each one against a tool to see if they are a go or no go. Then you can make an more informed decision.