I was hoping to share my new portfolio with you all, looking for feedback and critique as I’m using some pretty experimental features, I’m really interested to see what people think.
Really nice interactions, the scrollbars on your projects are particularly nice, good work.
The navigation could be clearer though. When I looked at a project, I didn’t know how to return to the previous screen and only later noticed the nav in the bottom right of the screen.
Hey, nice work.
Found a little thingy. When clicking on the logo in the top right and the home in nav I’m redirected to the webflow.io version of your site.
(edit: eh top right, I mean logo in the top left of course )
So I’m using Jquey & Jquery UI Draggable to handle the drag an drop side of things, then using the inbuilt Webflow interactions to handle all the sliding and shrinking… also using “onmouseover” data-attributes to launch the “href’s” which also have JS Time Delay on them… it’s been a massive challenge, getting it all so smooth
You can open it in Webflow to see all the details, there’s a lot going on…