Hi, im just curios if anyone knows if it is possible to make a completely standalone website with webflow, what I mean by that is how would I make my website in webflow so that months, or even years after I stop using webflow the websites which I exported and self hosted still works exactly how they were meant. I recently read something saying that if you were to close / stop paying a webflow subscriptions then your website would still “work” but lets say you had a contact form made with webflow then it wouldn’t work after the deletion of the account due to the fact that its hosted on the webflow cloud. is there a way to make these certain features i.e contact form to be completely self hosted instead of HAVING to be hosted on the webflow cloud.
Honestly I just came across webflow last night and its exactly what I was looking for for months now but with these features not working even when the website has been exported and self-hosted im not sure. I think the concept and the builder that webflow has created is absolutely amazing, and im not saying its not in any way.
thanks for ready, hope to see your response!