Exported sites—do they work independently of WebFlow?

Hi—I wanted to know if the site I created in Webflow will work independently once I export it if I’m on a paid plan?

I have a one page website which I would need to export and send to a client to host on their server of choice. However, I want to know that if I remove their website from my dashboard (or leave Webflow in the future, hypothetically), it wouldn’t affect the working of their site hosted elsewhere? I don’t have any forms on the website, only a few email links. It’s a very basic site.


Yes, the site will run fine. The only external links the site is calling are jquery and google analytics if you activated it.


So in the extreme case Webflow.com itself stops working, your site will still run.

However, your self hosted site can still be using Webflow servers for FORMS if you haven’t set up the forms specifically.

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Vincent, thank you for your reply. I don’t actually know exactly what FORMS are, even though I mentioned it in my question :-" … so I don’t know what you mean about not setting up the forms specifically. I think that forms means that you have some kind of input from the user which needs to be directed to somewhere … like the user entering their email address to get updates, for example?
I don’t have anything like this, so can I assume that all will work perfectly and totally independently from Webflow?

Yes, formular is something your user fill up and send, it can be a message or a bunch of infos. A formular requires a server to be processed. by default, Webflow server is linked to the forms so you got to be aware of this.

Yes I think you can assume that. You can post us the link fo your site and I’ll look at the source to be sure…

Thank you Vincent. My site is http://prosdocimi.webflow.io

It will be fine and work independently.

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