Maintenance Backup Issues

Has anyone experienced any issues since the 20th of June. I’ve got a client’s project that isn’t working. I can see maintenance backup was created on the 20th of June on the day the site broke. I can’t load the designer, Webflow support just keeps saying I have to restore that backup for the designer to work again, but neither it nor any other backup wants to restore, I just get a message saying the restore failed. I’ve logged multiple support tickets about this but they’re literally doing nothing about it. All I get is restore the maintenance backup.

In backup maintenance two main key elements are included;

  1. To ensure the technical integrity of backup files.
  2. To ensure that the right data is backed up at the right time.

Yeah, all that’s great, but I can’t restore any backups. All I get trying to restore any backup since the site stopped working and I can load the designer is this:

Webflow support has got so bad that all I get out of them is, restore a backup to get the designer working. When you reply that the restore doesn’t work they say restore the Maintenance Snapshot. When you say that doesn’t work they say restore an older one. I’ve gone back to a point where there were major changes to the project and none of them work when trying to restore, just the same error. I’m not rebuilding this and they’re sitting on their hands. What’s worse is that there’s supposed be priority partner support, yet this has been going on without resolution, took days to get a response and no action has been taken to fix anything other than telling me it’s my problem.