Linking to a collection page

Hi, I recognize this post was from a while ago, but I am having the same issue. I see multiple other forum posts about the same thing, but no helpful answers from Webflow…

Considering that I have run out of the available 100 static pages and Webflow’s only suggestion is to make more Collection pages (we have hundreds as is), I’m trying to turn some less-used pages into Collection items to create more static pages. However, we link to these pages in the footer and when I went to update the footer link I realized collection items were not an option. For now I will use the static URL, but it’s frustrating that I can’t link directly. I’m sure if I made the links a rich-text field I could get to them that way, but I’m not going to do all of that just for this.

This should be an easy function, I don’t know why it’s been continually ignored.

I hope you figured out a solution to your problem, Andy!