@TheStayHomeDad this depends. Would you like to link to a specific collection or a collection page? IE yourwebsite/blog or yourwebsite/blog/article
Are you trying to do this in a collection list or on a static page?
On a static page, add a button and link to the address, add yourwebsite/blog for example, to the URL.
In a collection list, you’ll have to style a text link to look like a button and add the links that way.
There’s no way to do this dynamically at the moment.
Although you could always add a ‘link’ field to your collection and bind the link to the text link element that way.
Let me know if you’ve got more questions. @java_I_tess
@TheStayHomeDad the way to do that is to add a button and add the link to the URL field. The same way you would add a link to an external website.
So, add a button, add the link and you’re good to go .
Here’s how Recording #45
Thanks for the link @TheStayHomeDad, could you tell me the exact page you’re trying to add a link to? I saw your ‘portfolio’ cms collection so I get that part. I’m trying to work out where you are linking from so I can get you the best way to do this. Also, did you delete your blog? I thought I’d take a look and see if it worked out but I couldn’t find a blog collection.
I haven’t checked your links, but when you want to do this, there’s one CMS strategy, mostly.
So say you have a collection of works for your portfolio. But on the homepage you want to link only 3 of them, the important ones.
Create a switch field, or an option field in your collection. Something that you’ll call “Featured”. Say it’s a switch.
On your homepage, drag a collection list, limit it to “Posts that have the Featured switch ON” and add a button link in the list item, linked to “current work”.
I know some this is a pretty late response, and I apologize! However, I wanted to reply here anyway in case someone else may come across this and have the same question.