Is it possible to add a quote form?

New to Webflow and creating a site for my wholesale company, was wondering if it is possible to create a form that does not have pricing that works like an e-commerce shopping cart. Thanks!

I would recommend you look at as it has this type of functionality and can be used with the CMS. I have built similar solutions in the past, some with Foxy, some with custom code. Don’t enable Webflow e-commerce if you are not going to use it as it adds a bunch of bloat you can’t remove later.

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Hi @Maverick808.
Josh with Foxy here. Like @webdev mentioned, what you’re after is possible with Foxy + Webflow:

By customizing our Purchase Order option, you can allow customers to checkout without paying. Manage products with Webflow CMS. Customers browse your store as normal, add products to cart, and proceed to checkout.

At checkout, collect what info you want to. Customer checks out without payment. An email receipt is sent to the customer as well as the store admins being notified. Customer/order info is available in the Foxy admin, API, webhooks, Zapier, Make, etc.

Here to help if you have any questions or need help getting started:


I am in need of this function as well.
I have started my trial with Foxy, but where do I enable “purchase order”.
In the admin area, I only see Payment options under Store, but no option to have a checkout without payment.

Thank you.

Hi @Bradpaulp.
We’re following up via email with next steps. PO option is a paid only feature so we’re getting this temporarily enabled for you so you can test. :slight_smile:


Oh thank you.
I actually ended up finding it, and then signed up for one month, paid anyway to test it all out.
Thank you for the offer though.

One question on this though - the customer end, they have to input a PO number.
This might be confusing for someone, as they wont know what to put in.
Is there a way to either:
a) auto generate a PO
b) pass some webflow data along to use as the PO.

@Bradpaulp Ok awesome! Just emailed with next step instructions.
