Interactions work on preview but not on published website

A rebuild of the Framer X website, the interactions work on the preview but not on the
published website… any ideas on how to solve this?

Here is the link:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Tom_Reuveni! Such a cool interaction :smile:. When something is working in the Designer but not on the published site, 9/10 times is due to some custom code for future reference.

All you need to do is add a / to close up your style tag in your custom code embed:

	position: -webkit-sticky !important;
  position: sticky !important;

Thereafter please be sure to publish your site and it should resolve the issue.

Please let me know if this solves the problem.

If not, I’m happy to help further!

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Thanks so much @Waldo! works like a charm! :grinning:

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