Interactions not repeating in Preview Mode

Hey @Brando

I’ve just helped out a fellow webflow-er with some interactions and noticed that the interactions are not repeating in the designer, but they’re all good on the live site.

Their read only link is here

You can see in the navbar that when you click on a link in preview mode and the new page loads, the hover interaction is now not displaying on hover, yet it is set up correctly as it works fine on the published site. This actually threw me quite a bit when previewing the site as I thought I had missed something somewhere.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Also on other interactions too. I’ve created a pop up modal as a symbol, and when I visit the next page (interaction is set up and symbol is there) it won’t load in the the preview, but fine on the normal site.

Hi @magicmark

Thanks for the detailed post! I was able to reproduce this and have reported it to the interactions team.

We’ll look into this further to see what the issue is here :bowing_man:

I’ll past back when I have new info to share!

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