I’m facing a strange issue with my site. Till a few days back it was working perfectly, however, in the last few days I noticed that some interactions (related to mouse clicks) have stopped working. Example: the pop-out on the right-hand side, the interactions on this page (Space Quiz), the slider on the main page, etc.
Moreover, some elements are not showing up on the published site, basically everything below the “What Others Have to Say” section here (Main).
The weird thing is these are all working fine in preview mode. I’ve tried some solutions to related problems, such as unpublishing, checking on other laptops/phones, to no avail.
Hi @Vanjeet_D_souza, thanks for your post. I took a look and it seems there is an html embed on the pages where there is an issue in the Footer symbol:
This custom embed when published appears to affect the page, when the embed is removed from the page, then it seems that the interactions are working as expected on the page.
Custom code is not rendered until the page is published, so there is probably something about that custom code that causes other elements on the page to not render correctly.
I would next remove that custom code temporarily and then republish the site.