Interaction not working when I change pages


Thanks so much for the help in advance!

The interaction to open and close the hamburger menu isn’t working on the published site despite working when I first open preview mode.
Then (still in preview mode), when I switch to a new page, the interaction no longer works!
It’s just the two elements (one to open, and one to close the menu.) I’m not sure why this doesn’t work…

Working on someone else’s site so there’s a lot on here that I don’t want to touch but there is some custom code as well.

Please help!!

Here is my read only site:
Webflow - Eclipse Laval
Webflow - Eclipse Laval)

I have examined and found that you have a problem inside the ‘project’ page, which is because you haven’t added both elements for the menu on my page. To fix this issue, convert the ‘menu-top-menu-container’ element, which is for opening the menu, into a component, and also convert the ‘menu-slide-menu-12’ element, which is for closing the menu, into a component. Then add these two components to all pages.

Zafre Media Team

can u also help me with my site, I have serval interaction on my site it all work fine but when I switch pages up nothing works at all. I have been looking for the solution but nothing works. this is my college project it should be submitted till June 11. can u please help me ?
( it not finished yet)

here is my read only link-

Could you please specify exactly which interaction is having the issue and not working on other pages?

every single one, mouse hover, mouse hover over element page load, scroll into view

here is a video explanation

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I reviewed your site.
The main structure and design principles were not well adhered to.
My best recommendation is for you to watch Webflow tutorial videos so that your site’s structure gets fixed first and foremost.
I will send you a suitable video.
I also reviewed the interactions on the site, and as you mentioned, they worked on both pages. For example, the endless loop animation about worked exactly the same on the second page as it did on the first page.
If you have any more questions, I’m here and you can count on me.

This is because when you change the page, you need to run the page from the beginning and press the play button (toggle preview) again to display the animations.
However, when you publish your site, it won’t be like this and there won’t be a need for a refresh.

Hello, I’d appreciate your help.

I have same problem. When I switch between pages by selecting language, page load interactions don’t work. As you mentioned, will this problem be solved after I publish the site?
The other problem is mouse hover for language selector. When I hover in and out several times in a row, or hovering mouse over two language options, it doesn’t work well.

Thank you for your time.