Hey @Brando,
Wow super nice! Thanks so much, indeed, working on the I.X 2 is muuuch smoother.
I haven’t re-touch all of them, but especially this logo interaction I did some little extra.
That’s amazing.
Although, I still have some questions or remarks, it would be amazing to have your opinion on them.
1 Page Crop
If you look at my website on Chrome (or on another browser) and check it in the inspector in 4K, you will notice that my website page height are totally different. I had to add pixels in order for my section not to collapse, on my home page and Personnal Projects page.
The page height is rather long, in between 10 000px and 12 000px, I did that because, for example on Firefox and Edge, my website will just be crop, and content will be invisible.
But on the Designer Panel there is no mean to know if such thing will happen.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is a more stable/secure way to fixed a page height so that it wont be cropped?
2 Mobile Ghost margin
If you open this page, Projets Personnels, and look at it on Mobile view, on Chrome, you will see that there is an empty space on the right of the website, that totaly disrupt my layout. It may come from the animations, or interactions, but I think check the Overflow Hidden for the element.
Shall the Overflow be checked on the element that causing the issue, or on the main parent is enough?
Is there a way to prevent that from happening within the designer, to get a warning?
3 Bug report
Since the Interaction update got implemented (thanks so much for this, now Symbols do not loose their linking when copy pasting… it saved me hours of work), I noticed that updating symbols that has an IX 2.0 in it, may cause webflow to freeze.
But not the freeze of the whole, just the interaction preview is off, I cannot use Toggle Preview, and cannot scroll the page, but I can click on the pannels and settings are usual.
My work around was to go on the Dashboard and come back.
4 Slider images size goes wrong
Sometime, and this happens totally random, the images in my slider turns super small, and it does it until I refresh / republish the website. Even if I do not work on the images within the slider, it can do it out of nowhere, and there is no way I forsee when it will happen.
Is this because I have used % to size my images in the slider?
I suspect this to be linked with page height and the different breakpoints…
5 Images appears even it was set to opacity 0%
I have on my pages a dropdown page that can be activated by clicking «À propos», eventhough I turned it to 0% opacity in its initial state, when the pages load it still show up for a second on the page (it is set to Auto- Full). My work around was to add to it a 0% opacity initial state with a Legacy Interaction.
But this seems to be sketchy… Is this normal? Is this linked to scrips loading one after another?
Thanks again for all your help and the team Brando you are doing an amazing job with Webflow.