If my navbar has a submenu, do I put those pages inside a parent folder?

If my navbar has a submenu, do I put those pages inside a parent folder? I have 6 menu items, and 3 of them have sub menus, how would I create these sub pages exactly? Should I create a folder wit the name of the parent page and then place all its sub pages inside of that? Or how would that work exactly?

Hi @gschultz,

The method of creating folders is the best because in this way you will get logically correct URL structure.

For example, you have menu link SERVICES which opening sub-menu with links Design, Development, SEO.
If you create folder “Services” and add there pages Design, Development, SEO, then you will get URLs:

and in the same time you can have page services out of that folder which will give you URL:

Hope it helps.


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